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Spastic and Random are a few of the top layers

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Website Madness!

I'm designing a website for my interface design class and this is a small example of one of the pages. I'm still going to add alot to it the navigation still needs alot of work BUT this is the beginning of it. My last page I showed my teacher he said it looked like a clown through up on it... YEP dagger to the self-esteem. But I do need direction or I will just be all over the place just like everything else I do in art. Just glad I got a 2nd chance, and a 3rd, and 4th, etc. So this is like the first draft. Gosh help me when i have to design in in Dreamweaver!

First day blog

Hey guys, I'd just like to welcome myself to this new and fascinating world of blogging. I'm a blog virgin. But I think once I get started it will be hard to stop.... atleast that's what I've heard. It's kind of like a journal I guess I could look at it. I do have a journal that I write all my secret crushes and embarrassing stories in haha but no one is aloud to read it. I guess I will have to censor this one a bit knowing that someone out there with no sense of who I am or where I even came from might be sitting there on a dark moonlit night reading all my entries and maybe leaving a comment or two. If that is the case then Welcome to my blog!